Tire Warehouse, Inc. en Elmsford

Estados UnidosTire Warehouse, Inc.



🕗 horarios

5, Warehouse Lane, 10523, Elmsford, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-592-4900
sitio web: www.tirewarehouseinc.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0664529, Longitude: -73.8225248

comentarios 5

  • joseph dosreis

    joseph dosreis


    Staff is dedicated and helpful. Great prices and quick service.

  • Emma Koziol

    Emma Koziol


    I found myself needing 4 new tires for my car. We shopped around a bit and basically were played by other tire places (saying they had the tires we wanted but then calling back and saying they didn’t have them, trying to up-sell us to more expensive tires, etc.) Then we finally called Tire Warehouse. We got a straight quote upon first call to them and set up a day to bring the car into them. We just brought the car to them today and we were so glad we did. They did an amazing job on the car, and the guys there are very trustworthy and up-front. We will definitely return and will recommend to friends and family. Thanks, Tire Warehouse!

  • en

    Sharline Millan


    On a stormy day I contacted them, because I found out my car had a flat tire and I didn't know who to trust to fix the flat or sell me a new tire. Plus other places didn't open or were not open yet. I did research different locations in the area, and this place kept coming up as the best!. Attention over the phone was very welcoming and friendly. And the service received was at the shop was great. Very proffesional and gorgeous. I will definitely recommend this place... even when I was mentally and financially preparing to invest in a new tire.... They were able to repair the flat tire as new!

  • Bob P

    Bob P


    Friendly place to get tires, alignments and related services. Quick service and very good pricing on pretty much any quality brand tire. Don't bother buying tires online, I actually look forward to buying tires from these guys! I travel 45 minutes to get there and worth the trip. Call them or email them. I'm obviously a satisfied customer.

  • en

    Nancy Riznychok


    I got tires and a wheel alignment for my car. They are reasonably priced. I dealt with Mike at the front desk who has great customer service skills. They were fast and effecient, I will definitely recommend this place.

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