ShopRite w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneShopRite



🕗 godziny otwarcia

432, 15th Avenue East, 98112, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-328-5138
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6231286, Longitude: -122.3125142

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bryan Smith


    They have a good selection of stuff, but everything is way overpriced. Many items look like surplus costco and Walmart products that are double the price.

  • Madi Doser

    Madi Doser


    This store certainly embodies the title of general store - you can find almost everything you need in one place! (it's a lot bigger than it looks). However, it's a bit pricier than if you were able to find your items elsewhere.

  • Joel Morris

    Joel Morris


    I have been here many times and wanted to like the place because they have many products. However there was one experience that pushed me over the edge and it's become apparent to me that this store is completely willing to sell you poor quality products that are likely to break. I bought a pump for my bike tires that requires you to pump with your foot. It broke after less than 2 weeks and when I brought it into the store and upon inspecting the pump it began to fall apart in the shop clerks hands. He then proceeded to tell me that I "folded" the tube and I didn't take care of it when in actuality it was all folded up within the packaging and there's no gentle way to pump with your foot. I feel like such a fool for thinking that they'd be able to offer me a long term solution to the problem I had. Do your research- there's probably a better product out there than is sold at this store.

  • Rebecca Hendrickson

    Rebecca Hendrickson


    I totally agree with the last reviewer that this is a completely underappreciated resource. There is SO much stuff in this tiny store - I've done everything from home repairs to birthday parties to odd baking projects with nothing beyond what I could find in its walls. Everyone within walking distance ought to check it out before assuming you need to drive somewhere to get household goods!

  • J Calvert

    J Calvert


    Shoprite is a real gem. Want a new light switch? Shoprite. Paint roller? Shoprite. Birthday card? Shoprite. CD-ROMs? Shoprite. You get the idea. It has so much stuff crammed into its modest footprint. The guy that's invariably behind the cash register is quiet and stone-faced, but very nice and happy to help you find whatever you're looking for. On many occasions it's saved me a car trip to Home Depot or Target.

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