Shear Bliss Studio w Coram

Stany ZjednoczoneShear Bliss Studio



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2229, Route 112, 11727, Coram, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-294-6883
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8698334, Longitude: -73.0035564

komentarze 5

  • vanessa morris

    vanessa morris


    Been having Annmarie do my hair for years! Always comes out fantastic! Great shop, great prices and always a great time!

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    Taylor Glagau


    I scheduled appointments for blowouts for my best friend and myself. My best friend thought we were getting this done for my birthday dinner but little did she know it was actually for her proposal!!! The ladies at the studio knew this too and they really went out of their way to make sure we both looked great. Can’t say thank you enough to the lovely ladies here! My bestie was so surprised and she said yes!

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    Boost Mobile


    Ann Marie great girls friendly and talented

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    Victoria Williams


    I live the owner Annmarie. She is awesome.

  • Kelly-Anne Kratz

    Kelly-Anne Kratz


    I have been going to Shear Bliss for about a year now and I don't see myself looking for another salon anytime soon. All of the employees are welcoming and talented. I usually make an appointment for Saturday mornings and as soon as I get there, I'm offered a snack or a drink while I get settled. The girls also make frequent trips to the 7-Eleven (in the same parking lot) and ALWAYS ask if you want/need anything from there. During my last visit, a junior stylist did most of the work on my haircut & dye and she did an amazing job. I visited the salon again this past weekend and was happy to see that this same junior stylist was now booking her own clients and was almost a full stylist! This shows me that the owner (I believe her name is Ann Marie) really cares about her people and wants to grow their talents. One added bonus for me: they always have really good music playing in the salon when I'm there. The girls keep the atmosphere light and I look forward to my appointments.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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