SEPHORA en Nanuet

Estados UnidosSEPHORA



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5129, Fashion Drive, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-623-1060
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.095512, Longitude: -74.016802

comentarios 5

  • Miriam Diamant

    Miriam Diamant


    The employee was super nice and helpful with my returns. Would definitely recommend this location.

  • Liz W

    Liz W


    The sales associate Liz was so helpful and pleasant. Lol and no im not writing about myself, just the same name haha... id give her a 5 star, but the store overall id ive 4, had some great experience and some not so much... but she was wonderful.

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    I give it 2 stars because its closer to me than the one at the palisades. You are better off getting multiple samples of foundation than being matched by one of those associates.

  • Ginger Tea T.V.

    Ginger Tea T.V.


    The Sephora team are amazing !!!

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    Suzanne Du Charme


    This past Friday, I went to Sephora Nanuet, looking to spend a fair amount on some new makeup. No one ackowledged me when I walked in. The store was not particularly crowded, and there were plenty of staff on the floor. I looked around for a while and finally found the section I was looking for. I picked up a tester of foundation -- it was filthy. Makeup was dried and glommed all over the bottle, and it was covered in dirty fingerprints. Thinking that this must have been a fluke, I picked up another tester. Same thing. Every tester that I looked at was in desperate need of cleaning. The staff seemed to be having a good time hanging out with their friends, but no one really appeared to be working. In section after section, the testers were covered in makeup and finger prints. I finally found a sealed lipstick that looked like a good color, quickly paid for it and left. (I wasn't about to try it on) This store is a disaster. Since people are coming in to try on makeup, it needs to be extremely clean. If the Health Inspector walked in, the store would probably be shut down.

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