Alluring Brides en Nanuet

Estados UnidosAlluring Brides



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35, South Middletown Road, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-507-0289
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0957731, Longitude: -74.0127429

comentarios 5

  • Toni Odell

    Toni Odell


    This was my first time buying a wedding dress and let me tell you, I feel like im part of the family because of how amazing I felt at the appointment. Suzanne was attentive, sweet, kind, funny, instructional, etc. I don't know how anyone could NOT love this woman, the wonderful young woman who helped dress me, and the salon and inventory overall. I walked out with an amazing deal on my head piece and the dress of my dreams. After the appoonappoi, we made an appointment with her seamstress, and im looking forward to the big day! Thank you so much!!!!!




    Worst experience! I went to get fitted for a bridesmaid dress and the owner measured me and the rest of the bridesmaids. She advised us that she measures everyone to ensure everyone is correctly measured. When our dresses came in our bride picked them up and gave them to everyone. I tried dress on and it seemed I just needed the top fixed. This became an issue when fixing the top of the dress made the long gown even shorter on me. When I called her to ask if she ordered my longer (since I am 5'7) she advised me she did. She was rude and put the blame on ME, the customer. She told me to just wear 'a flat shoe'. I explained the dress has a slit in the front and flats would not look good. She said 'well i dont handle bridesmaid dresses anymore so this is not my problem'. She proceeded to be rude and then HUNG UP ON ME!! What type of owner treats a customer that way?? STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHOP!!!!!

  • Dawn Olivier

    Dawn Olivier


    So happy I came across this place through Google. They were so helpful and personable, and they have a lot of gorgeous dresses that are reasonable in price! I showed them print outs of what I was looking for and they matched me with a few beautiful dresses that fit my style, shape, and budget. I settled on a dress that I fell in love with immediately (second dress they pulled.) I am so happy I came here and highly recommend Alluring who is looking for that special one-on-one bridal experience. I can’t wait to wear my dress on my wedding day! Thanks Alluring! 💜

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    Megan Lavecchia


    The dresses are beautiful, however, I'm one week away from my wedding and overall, disgusted with the business as a whole. They use a seamstress, who is a doll (extremely sweet and I would give her 5 stars if not associated with this place) and when your dress comes in you must immediately pick it up (aka pay them their second half of the money) and take it home and store it until it needs to be taken to the seamstresses home. When I got fitted, the seamstress said she needed to check with the shop owner for a price. Ok. I hear nothing so I call the shop owner who prices my alterations at over $450. i didn't have my dress hemmed. I had cups (they cost 19.99) stitched on, and the dress taken in about an inch. When I questioned this price I got the run around. Mind you, my two sisters had used this same shop and seamstress and were charged FAR LESS for hemming, a belt sewn on, straps taken in, etc. She told me because I had it hemmed and the straps taken in, this is why the price was higher....and that's when I knew she never got the price from the seamstress but rather just tried to overcharge me. I have a strapless dress and the length was perfect and didn't need to be touched. So basically, here's what I realized. Any normal bride would have just paid this price not knowing what alterations typically cost. As for me, I wasn't allowing that. Honestly, I would never recommend someone here for the headache alone. Again, the dresses are beautiful but having to pay for your dress immediately when it comes in, lugging it from the shop to home back to the seamstress and back home, and the scam costs for thanks. Not worth it to me.

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    Kristie DeRosa


    Alluring Brides was the second place I went to when trying to find a wedding dress. My first impression of the salon was it was absolutely gorgeous. It is very clean and neat and exactly the kind of place I pictured in my head when I thought of the place that I was going to buy my dress. My favorite thing about Alluring Brides, besides the staff, was how intimate and personal your appointment is. It is all about you and it makes the process so smooth. The staff from the minute you walk in the door was very personable. They make you feel comfortable and don't waste any time getting you into dresses. The staff was mindful of my budget as well. When you try on a dress, the way they lay it out and turn the dress lets you, and those you bring, see every angle of the dress. There are plenty of mirrors as well which the first place I went to did not have such luxury in your personal section. Overall, I highly recommend Alluring Brides to anyone in search of a wedding dress, or even bridesmaid dresses! Suzanne and her staff are more then a pleasure to work with.

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