Science of Spirituality i Amityville

Forenede StaterScience of Spirituality



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79, County Line Road, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-822-7979
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.674152, Longitude: -73.4234593

kommentar 5

  • Umesh Bhatia

    Umesh Bhatia


    A dream of a meditation center - super charging, great volunteers! A Must Visit!

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    Spirituality at its best, most honest and practical way to realize that we are souls, we must claim victory over our minds and bodies, have a heart filled with love and compassion for humanity and all living beings by not going outwards instead go inwards and tap into the very energy of our soul through meditation and by doing so we merge back into the source of all sources The Creator-Almighty and all this is possible through the help of A Living Spiritual Master His Holiness Sant Rajinder Singh who teaches the way of positive mysticism, the path of SantMat and the Science Of Spirituality. No need to give up and change your religion but remain within the same religion one is born and full fill our responsibilities toward our families and societies and communities and countries and world yet concentrate on the inner aspect of our true existence through meditation and find our way back to God !

  • lakshman reddy

    lakshman reddy


    Good spiritual place . Just a suggestion if you are searching for south Indian temple vibe this is not a place to go. But its good for calm meditation and spend some peaceful time.

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    S K


    People say it changes their lives

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    Sunil Singh


    Very peaceful. Helps you connect to your inner selves through meditation and selfless service. The members love to volunteer.

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