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🕗 Chiropractic Works Massapequa åbningstider, 5798, Merrick Road, tel. +1 516-797-8888

Chiropractic Works i Massapequa

Forenede StaterChiropractic Works



🕗 åbningstider

5798, Merrick Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-797-8888
internet side: www.chiropracticworksny.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.670039, Longitude: -73.4255874

kommentar 5

  • Daniel SanFilippo

    Daniel SanFilippo


    Dr. Jim is one of the Best! His treatment and Techniques I find very beneficial for my condition. The entire staff are very personable and friendly! Not only does he treat your condition you learn a lot about your body! 5 Stars from me!!!

  • Tina Degati

    Tina Degati


    I’ve been going to Dr. Jim for over 20 years. He’s the BEST at what he does. He’s fixed my sciatica and vertigo that i had suffered with. He has a very calm demeanor and his hands are healing! Love my peeps at Chiropractic Works.

  • en

    DavIriz sr


    When I first came to the office of Chiropractic Works I was in a lot of pain and I had little hope. But as soon as I walked in, I was treated with a positive attitude that made me believe that I was going to get better. My treatments were precise and effective. I am happy to say that I am feeling better than I've ever felt in years. This has been an uplifting experience , thanks to God and the Doctors and staff at Chiropractor Works. Sincerely , David Irizarry

  • en

    Audrey Eschmann


    My husband and I have been patients' of Dr Cassillo for over 10 years, and both of us are in our 80's. Because of our Chiropractic adjustments and care from Dr Cassillo, we are living a very active life style and able to carry out all our activities of daily living without any difficulty, including golf, yoga and exercise classes.

  • en

    Cj Ercolano


    Had lower back pain for months. All day everyday. Waking up, working, driving home and just sitting down. Finally decided to do something about it. He told me to lay on my stomach and bend my knee's backward. He lined up my feet and said I think I found your back pain. He made an adjustment and I left with 0 back pain. I wake up feeling great and motivated to work. I feel like I can do more at that the gym. It's been exactly one week and still no pain. Side note, Dr. James Casillo truely appreciates veterans and waived my 1st co-pay. True Gentleman. Highly recommend

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