Save-On Cabinets i South Amboy

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2087, New Jersey 35, 08879, South Amboy, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-952-2466
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Latitude: 40.4720275, Longitude: -74.2855309

kommentar 4

  • en

    Jenna Dorsey


    You will not be disappointed when working with Save On Cabinets! I've been searching for kitchen cabinets, until I came across them and have seen their work...affordable prices an high quality cabinets, I defiantly will be recommending this place!

  • en

    Gina DiMaria


    Best prices and products out there. You will not be disappointed

  • Christina Welgoss

    Christina Welgoss


    They have a wide variety of cabinets. If you give them the dimensions they will customize your kitchen, bathroom or closet any way you can dream of. I explained the look I was going for and he designed it better than I could have imagined with out making me broke! To top it off he works with a nice group of contractor's whom you could use if you don't have one.

  • en

    Peter Guerriera


    When deciding to re-do our kitchen, we came across Save On Cabinets and really hit the Jackpot!! Not only was I able to achieve the look that I wanted, I now have my Dream kitchen!! The prices were incredible, so much so that 2 years later I re did my entire Closet /Bedroom from them also.. I would definitely recommend going to check them out.. Sure Glad we did!! I have referred quite a few friends, all with equally happy results..

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