Dollar Tree i Old Bridge Township

Forenede StaterDollar Tree



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1038, U.S. 9, 08859, Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-525-5390
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.453469, Longitude: -74.300721

kommentar 5

  • en

    Helen Maloney


    Had everything I went for but not regular tomto sauce

  • en

    amit jain


    All $1 deals.... N most of them are unbeatable.

  • The FPV Life

    The FPV Life


    This is a descent place to save money but as expected ... Messy as heck. As if a tornado passed through. still a bargain place.




    I love this store itself. I am always able to find things I’m looking for here, but on the rare occasion I don’t and have to ask people for help I always receive horrible customer service. Today had to be the worst time yet! I was looking for raffle tickets, i looked for a while before asking a women who has stocking the shelves. She didn’t respond just pointed to the other side of the store. I thought it was odd but understandably maybe there was a reason behind it. Whatever, so I go to the other side of the store search for about ten minutes and realize why would it be over here near kitchen and food supplies. I see another women ask where they would be. She responds near the kids stuff and walks away from me. Again odd and somewhat rude but I don’t think much of it. I walked up and down the kids and craft aisle about 3 times thinking maybe I’m just missing it since those aisles are always a mess! Finally I decide to ask another women, I simply said “excuse me miss, I was wondering if you could help me, I’m trying to find raffle tickets” I attempted to continue on telling her where I had already looked but she cut me off and began yelling “ baby, it’s by the wrapping stuff!” “ if you don’t see it maybe we don’t have it!” I told her I hadn’t looked there because I was previously told two other locations “ she continued to yell at me saying well if we have it that’s where it would be!” Again none of these comments were rude in my opinion but the fact I simply asked you a question and your yelling at me so loud that others were looking over at us is so unbelievably rude in my opinion. Like if your not happy with your job please get a new one there is no reason to yell at a customer seeking help! Will not be returning to this store!

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    patty egg


    very nice staff, store is always dirty, things thrown all over the floor, shelves are a mess. You can get great buys, but I would go to a different dollar store that is clean and nicer too shop at. They need to take better care of there store and merchandise.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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