Savage Auto Sports w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneSavage Auto Sports



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1870, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-475-8730
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8037425, Longitude: -73.0046443

komentarze 4

  • en

    MIchael Rappa


    Brought truck to have two front windows tinted to match the back first job came out bad dirt and slices in tint I brought it back they changed both tints and it came out worse then the first time and I was told that's the best they can do and is acceptable by there standards "dirt and air pockets in tint" I did get money back but would not recommend

  • en

    Anthony Romano


    My first and last experience with these lazy inconsiderate dopes. Dropped my car of to get wires run for a subwoofer. So I make my appointment and drop it off one morning and wait for a call. And I never received a call so when I called around closing time I was informed they were short-staffed and need my car for another day. So the next day I wait and I get no call. When I called them at closing time again they say that my car is being done next. Then after hours 8 o'clock I got a call at saying I need to pick my car up or its staying there because they're closing in five minutes. Okay I understand. The next day I go to test my speaker and it's not working. I immediately find out which wire isn't working because I've done this many times before and I take it back to them to fix. Why pay over $100 if im doing the work myself. I'm told I need to make an appointment because they are booked. I explained the situation and the gentleman isn't able to help me so I drive off and come back in 5 minutes to give him one last chance. He finally looks at it and finds the person forgot one of the fuses. The next week I realized my DOOR isn't closing properly. One of the pieces of plastic trim was not screwed in AT ALL after running the wires underneath it and the flap that's supposed to be hiding the screw is bent from them closing the seat up into it. So my trim is cracked from closing the door now. I went and explain the situation to another guy there to give them a chance to do something. Anything. Give me my money back. But nothing. This place must be a joke.

  • Ryan Musinski

    Ryan Musinski


  • Vitaliy K

    Vitaliy K


    Little disappointed with service. They are very very slow. Kyle is the only one running around like its just one person job. Where are there rest of the team?

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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