Mazda 112 w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneMazda 112



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2112, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-654-2746
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8112829, Longitude: -73.00256

komentarze 5

  • en



    Declan was great. He was very nice and gave me best price on first visit. He quickly found the car we wanted and had all the extras installed within a week. Joe actually walked us through the car when we picked it and he was also very nice. Brian was in charge of all the paperwork and he was very nice also. Great team at 112 Mazda. professional service in every way.

  • en

    Ellie Chapman


    Buying a new car made fun by Joe and his manager Rich. I never looked forward to buying a new car, but these guys made it so easy and fun! got a great deal on a new cx-5! I am already looking forward to getting my next car when my lease is over!

  • Angela Wilson

    Angela Wilson


    This place took care of me and my Mazda for several years. The service Department kept my car going, well after her retirement days. It was always convenient to drop in for an oil change or leave it all night for service if needed. Reps always gave me honest recommendations and suggested ways to save money when I was in a pinch. They always asked for approval before replacing things! That’s huge for me! I recently switched to another brand but I see myself coming back in the near future.

  • en

    Google User


    Such a pleasure with everyone we communicated with today. Pat was a no nonsense employee who gave it to us straight, no negotiations or hassle. We told him the price we could pay and he made it happen! John in finance and Maria with insurance were a delight, they alone made us committed customers

  • en



    Joe was really kind and took everything I was concerned about into consideration. I didn't feel like I was being pressured into anything during my entire experience there. Both he and Richard worked to find me the best deal I think I could have found while still making me feel like the decision was in my hands. Thank you to both of them!

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