Sandra Dee's Bar-B-Que & Seafood w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneSandra Dee's Bar-B-Que & Seafood



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601, 15th Street, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-448-6375
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Latitude: 38.5826537, Longitude: -121.4845711

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mimi P


    Our second time eating here and the food is just as good. My partner is from the South and he says their BBQ and all the sides rival some of the best Southern food in Alabama ever! The meat is flavorful, and all of the sides we've tried are excellent. The staff was very friendly, and I love the family-run feel of the place. Last time we went, Sandra Dee's own daughter was our waitress. She was really sweet, and although we missed out on red velvet cake for dessert, it's great to hear only Ms Dee is the one allowed to make it! Her attention to detail is clearly the secret.

  • en

    chrissy white


    Love this place! The atmosphere is so nice here. The staff and management are so amazing! The food here is the best!! Absolutely amazing! I get a lot of UberEats deliveries from this place too and they're always quick and polite, great at packaging items for delivery too.

  • James



    Went last night for the first time and it is damn good. The gator and frog legs are great. The only bad thing was the greens, now I like hot food but damn this were smoking hot but tasted great. The snapper and catfish were great as was the grilled prawns. Chicken and waffles were great, excellent waffles. The sweet potato pie and the red cake are awesome. I can't wait to go back and try everything.

  • en

    Mars William


    To begin, the service and servers were lovely. Very cheerful and polite. That is where the good part of the experience ends. The food itself while not awful was also not good. Everything we ordered was cloyingly sweet. What it really boils down to is that the food was in no way worth the price. To top it off I've seen cleaner gas station restrooms

  • Edward Harper

    Edward Harper


    I've eating out a lot in Sacramento. Yesterday was my first time at Sandra Dee's and this place is by far one of the best places I've been in downtown. They quoted us a 45 minute wait but it ended up being a lot less which was pleasantly surprising. They were exceptionally busy, as it was Saturday night, but our server was perfect. I'm really wish I could remember her name but she was attentive, considerate, helpful, and friendly. She had a lot of tables all over the restaurant and even so still gave us great service throughout our experience. The food was fantastic as well. Our table ended up getting nearly all the meats so we shared a little with each other and it was all amazing. The hot links were flavorful, the smoked chicken was crazy tender, pork was moist and scrumptious, fried catfish was delicious, just to list a few. Then there's the sides...spicy greens, red beans and rice, hush puppies, and they were all ridiculously good as well. They also have a great lemonade that is perfectly sweet and tart. I'm sorry that it took me so long to go here for the first time but I'm glad that I know about it now and I will be there a lot more often. The only con would be it took a while to get our food but it was busy and there were five of us so it is completely understandable.

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