Broderick Midtown w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneBroderick Midtown



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1820, L Street, 95811, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-469-9720
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Latitude: 38.5748848, Longitude: -121.4827718

komentarze 5

  • en

    B Schwind


    Always came for drinks but never ate there, so decided to give it a try. Food was okay, service was horrible. Waited for almost 15 minutes after being seated before the waitress came up and took our orders for drinks and food. Only half the drinks came and one that showed up had an orange on the beer even though it was asked to not come with one because of an allergy. Then once food came we were never checked on till I waved her down to pick up the check. She was surprisingly real fast at that portion. Won't return again for food. The guy bartender with the tattoos is pretty good and quick with the drinks and a good piece of eye candy as well haha.

  • WebMarket



    If you soak up the atmosphere without looking outside you would think this is a restaurant on a local California beach somewhere. It has a classic Beach feel but right in the Heart of the City of Sacramento. They have a nice selection of craft local beers on tap. The menu has a little something for everyone and they're known for their full size wings which I can attest to are delicious. I sat at the bar and was immediately helped by a young woman named Joy. She was a attentive and really fantastic. I highly recommend this place for a nice little lunch spot or quick beer and wings. Or if you want to catch your favorite team's game they have lots of TVs and the volume is just perfect.

  • Joe Ezaki

    Joe Ezaki


    Good burgers and great wings. A tad expensive but you definitely won't leave hungry. Service is spotty, at best, so expect to wait a bit. The wings are huge and delicious. They aren't the little ones you're used to getting, they are the full wings. There are several different types of loaded fries. They are all very good and could be a meal in and of themselves. The signature burgers are tasty. The patty itself seems to be made of quality beef and likely hand packed.

  • en

    Michael Maher


    I like the atmosphere here. Great place to enjoy a beer and good food. Several TVs situated around to watch a game. Lots of tables so I've never waited to be seated. Good place to bring a group of friends or have an after work get together. The staff here are super friendly and helpful. All burgers come with two types of meatless patty options and dairy free cheese if you are vegan or vegetarian. The wait staff are really cool and will work with you to make any of the many burger options vegan. I think there are other vegan options on the menu but I'm hooked on the burgers so haven't tried them yet.

  • MACTackleBox



    Seriously, their Lamb Burger with Moroccan Spices is the best burger I've ever had...Ever. I'm not a huge fan of lamb but my Son had it and told me it was amazing and he was right! Love their fries, too. The atmosphere is a loud, sports bar vibe - which isn't my vibe, but I get it. I think it would be a great place to watch a game, have a beer and an awesome burger. Staff are very nice, too. If you like upscale burgers and fries, you'll love this.

najbliższy Bar

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