Route 6 Tap House w Mahopac

Stany ZjednoczoneRoute 6 Tap House



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728, U.S. 6, 10541, Mahopac, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-628-7302
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.37573, Longitude: -73.727442

komentarze 5

  • Ted Novick

    Ted Novick


    Best burger around. Awesome raw bar. My kids love it there too

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    Walt M.


    Great little place. Good Happy Hour which includes cheap craft beers, including some of their own Brews. I like the Commodore Kolsh and the Bunker hill when in season.) Hot wings are very hot, (If you ask for it really hot they will oblige.) Best sweet potato fries. Burgers are good and Prime rib was delicious. They also have Thursday seafood night.

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    mike dubovs


    Dive bar rustic atmosphere.. Great food steaks are awsome and happy hour selection

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    Jeff Freda


    I've eaten here about ten times as it's one of my favorites for casual dining. Stick to the burgers, salads, and fried chicken and you won't be disappointed. The craft beer selection is one of the very best around.

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    Jerit Ross


    I dont usually right reviews as Ive worked in the industry for over 20 years, however... It has been almost a month and the meal here still upsets me. I was in a few weeks ago and ordered a sirloin steak and added on a lobster tail. Worst Meal I have ever had. In fact, I took 2 bites of the steak and 1 bite of the lobster. The lobster seemed to have turned, and the steak must be product they had frozen and thawed to make for my order. My partner was ok with his steak, as he'll eat anything, but it had the same texture and flavor as well when I tried his. The texture of the steaks was awful, as if they were thawed at one point, then frozen, then thawed again, and they were completely flavorless. The bartender saw that I was noticable irritated as I pushed my plate forward and asked if I wanted a box for my meal as I barely ate any of it. I told him no thank you. He didnt bother to ask if everything was alright or if I enjoyed the little food I touched. On top of that, the Bartender was constantly blowing his nose right in front of us behind the bar, and never washed his hands once. I was so disgusted I didn't even finish my beer. Speaking of which, I was drinking draft beer and the keg kicked. He told me he got that one for me as if that was some sort of anything. First don't serve a beer when the keg kicks and second giving someone half a beer and saying you got that one, is just poor customer service. When we went in at 8pm on a Saturday and there were only 2 other people at the bar and none dining, I should have known and went with my instict. What a waste of 100$. They all seemed as if no one knew what was going on, and too busy setting up for a party they had the following morning. If you know or care anything about food or service, I highly recommend not going to Route 6 Tap house.

najbliższy Bar

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