Excelencia Mexicana w Mahopac

Stany ZjednoczoneExcelencia Mexicana



🕗 godziny otwarcia

551, U.S. 6, 10541, Mahopac, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-628-3767
strona internetowej: www.excelenciamexicana.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.3690275, Longitude: -73.7389857

komentarze 5

  • en

    Thomas Spiconardi


    Only did take out so far but the food was VERY authentic Mexican, definitely have to go sit down one night for dinner ! “going takeout again tonight!!”

  • en

    Arnie Spindler


    The rating is not for the server, who was very attentive, it's for the lackluster dishes we chose. When in a Mexican restaurant you should try Mexican food like Burritos or Enchiladas, we didn't. The Guacamole, prepared tableside, was dull and tasteless, chips crispy and a red Dipping Sauce that was spectacular. Mariscada Excelencia, White Fish and Seafood, White Wine and Garlic sauce with a side of Rice was good but didn't really have that Mexican flavor we were looking for. The same happened with Paella Excelencia , the same combination as the Mariscada plus Chicken and Chorizo, over the same rice used for the side, was bland and spice less. The restaurant does have a pleasant atmosphere but overall it's not for us.

  • Karen Derby

    Karen Derby


    Bartender Alex made me a great Golden Cadillac margarita. The food is always the Best! Large portions, great flavors, and friendly, lovely servers. My go-to for Mexican north of NYC.

  • en

    Nicole C


    Excellent place will be back for dinner! I stopped here today for a to-go order and the bartender was extremely friendly and knowledgeable about the menu. She suggested their lunch combo as it was a really great deal. I had the taco salad with grilled chicken. It was so tasty and had the right amount of everything in it! I will definitely be back for dinner.

  • en

    kenneth saez


    I'm not sure why this place always seems so empty. It's really good! They have great drinks too. On Sundays they have happy hour till 7 with 5 dollar margaritas. I definetly recommend it if you want a quick bite to eat.

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