Rockwell Cycles w Fort Montgomery

Stany ZjednoczoneRockwell Cycles



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1005, Route 9W, 10922, Fort Montgomery, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-446-3834
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.337043, Longitude: -73.9821492

komentarze 5

  • Blue Bike Mike

    Blue Bike Mike


    When I saw the screw in my motorcycle tire, I headed for Rockwell Cycles, as it was nearby. It was a Saturday, and the mechanic was busy, so I bought an expensive plug kit, rather than wait for the mechanic, and attempted to plug the tire myself. The mechanic saw me struggling and came out and helped with the repair, and soon, I was on my way, motorcycling down the road. The plug is holding air well, after several hundred miles.

  • Nancy Giordano

    Nancy Giordano


    The owners are wonderful people that staff is great we love all the things they do for their friends, neighbors and customers.

  • en

    A Ber


    There are a bunch of reasons why I like Rockwell Cycles. Feels like a family run place. Nice people but if you drop your bike off for a regular service beware. Within 2 miles of me dropping my bike off they blew up my engine and blamed the engine. They had done a valve service and within a 2 mile test ride the pistons impacted the valves. They made me pay for the entire repair as well as the cost of their first valve job and then a second. I can't say 100% it was their fault but I imagine if I had ridden my own bike those 2 miles it would not have destroyed the engine. I won't go back there which is a shame cause they seem like decent folk. My bike was always maintained and had all required services and more performed always at certified Ducati dealers. It only had 14k miles on it at the time. As I said who knows what really happened but it's suspect. At the very end as a cherry on top of the destroyed engine they were going to put the original flywheel nut back on the bike. This was the piece they said failed!!!!???? $5,000 dollars later the bike runs again.

  • Neil Sullivan

    Neil Sullivan


    Made appointment for tire change, they gave me a fair price deal and changed both tires in good time.

  • Joseph Rosselli

    Joseph Rosselli


    Fantastic experience buying a new bike from Rockwell. Service and parts personnel are very knowledgeable. Family owned place who really treats you nicely!

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