Allen's Import Service w Highland Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneAllen's Import Service



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269, Main Street, 10928, Highland Falls, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-446-4283
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.370101, Longitude: -73.9662812

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Kim


    When it comes to getting your car fixed we all get worried about dishonest mechanics and shops that grossly overprice. Allen put all these worries away for me each time I took my car to him. These guys genuinely care about what they do and let their work show for it. They swiftly and accurately diagnose if there is an issue with your vehicle and identify it. They will tell you a realistic price and time for the repair. You leave your contact and come back to a vehicle in better condition than you brought it. Living here a couple years I've noticed shops change and close often but Allen's is a staple here and shows the honesty and quality of work this town provides.

  • en

    Gen Kim


    I have been here multiple times for different issues and he's always very professional and friendly. I usually have issues trusting auto mechanics but he is the guy to go to with anything regarding your car! His services are on the spot and he will take his time with anything. He is very honest and will guide you for the best possible outcome, even if he doesn't gain anything out of it. I plan on moving out of town in the near future and I want to take him with me! That's how much I trust him and recommend his services!!

  • en

    Rose Williams


    I went into Allen Garage to get my tire repaired, I have no appointment, I only had to wait about 10 minutes. Allen was very nice and very friendly. I will be bringing my car back to him.

  • Michael Kofoed

    Michael Kofoed


    Allen is one of the best mechanics I have worked with. He took care of both my van that was having starting issues and maintenance on my car. I appreciate his friendliness and excellent service. Can't recommend them enough. Thanks!

  • en

    Carolyn Morrison


    Awesome service! Twice now, I have been thoroughly impressed with Allen and his team. They have taken care of my VW with quick, excellent service. I will be here as my go to shop..... and I am driving from NYC just for the professional service, caring attitude, and friendly faces. Thanks Allen and crew.

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