Rite Aid w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneRite Aid



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1125, Alhambra Boulevard, 95816, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-452-1334
strona internetowej: locations.riteaid.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5706368, Longitude: -121.4653265

komentarze 5

  • Jacob Pratt

    Jacob Pratt


    This rite aid sold me candy for my daughter that was smashed inside the package,messed up on my change along with not allowing me to purchase cigarettes while being over 21 with I'd,the guy working as of right now picking up carts and sitting by the front door as an employee of rite aid is very disrespectful and is not by any means helpful to the rite aid company big thumbs down for disrespect!!

  • Mark Cole

    Mark Cole


    When I'm looking for an item at a discount, I can depend on Rite Aid! With our 20% off discount, you can't the prices.

  • Kat Sunday

    Kat Sunday


    PSA the pharmacy has different hours then the STORE HOURS that are listed on the google info page. Go to the official website for the actual pharmacy hours. Do not assume they are open at 7 because they are not. Google doesn't know everything....

  • Kevan A

    Kevan A


    Recently two stalwarts of midtown domestic nightlife have shocked its community by offering one service less. Safeway and Rite Aid will no longer be open 24 hours. Safeway (next door) is now closed nightly from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m, Rite Aid 11p.m. to 7a.m. Asked about the reason for this change a Safeway employee said he had no idea. “It comes from on high,” he said, meaning it was a decision made at Safeway Corporate. A security guard working the now uneventful graveyard shift said he believed they made the decision based on all the theft at night. From having had a Safeway store manager as my partner, this author is aware of the difficulties and frustration experienced nightly by employees whose duties include restocking a whole store while also attending to customers using the Safeway method of extra customer service, there will be no regrets about the new hours by those employed there. It was strange to see the doors barred and lights out on a recent attempted store run. As for the stores themselves, they're pretty good overall.

  • en

    Chanse Johnson


    The cashier and manager with the extra mile to help me out they were awesome

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