7-Eleven w Sacramento

Stany Zjednoczone7-Eleven



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1341, J Street, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-930-0503
strona internetowej: www.7-eleven.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5790204, Longitude: -121.4880073

komentarze 5

  • Chirakole Radhakrishnan

    Chirakole Radhakrishnan


    The turban guys are very rude, need to learn some good customer skills and need to learn to tag the products with right price.

  • Cat Q

    Cat Q


    The customer service is good, very friendly. The unfortunate thing is the sketchy panhandlers that are there in the morning on a regular basis asking for money. The store also tends to sell outdated snacks. Check the expiration dates before you buy.

  • The Dude

    The Dude


    Lots of quick food selection. Good coffee etc. But downtown location so no easy parking and occasional sketchy types and panhandlers hanging out nearby.

  • Monique Jenkins

    Monique Jenkins


    I come in often usually a few times a month and am always witness to the typical shenanigans people hanging out outside, asking for something, customers who look or smell a certain way being treated like they don't matter etc. Now I usually don't say anything because 1) I usually come into the shenanigans and don't see from beginning to end and 2) I've come to expect it and try my best to minimize my need for patronizing this store in particular. And After the incident this past Saturday night I will never never ever again patronize this store and will definitely be cutting out patronizing the entire 7 eleven chain as a whole. I refuse to spend my hard earned money somewhere where the employees do not value their customers no matter what race, gender, look or scent they come in. When I walked in Saturday night there was a young lady at the counter going off about something she bought. Cussing at the employees profusely and instead of the employees de escalating the situation by speaking calmly and listening to the problem at hand one of the employees decided to elevate his voice and throw her across the room towards the door then took snatched her stainless steal mug and started to throw that as well but then left it behind the counter. Meanwhile the employees are so focused on her they don't notice every one else in the store stealing getting a slurpee walking out, snacks etc. after about 15 minutes of foolery I decided I'll come back or go somewhere else and due to the time of night it was there was nothing close by which was open. So as I left and came back I seen the young lady walking down the street still furious cussing and yelling about the events that previously occurred! As I went inside the store they were so concerned & preoccupied about the young lady coming back that they did not give me my proper change. I gave them a $100 bill and spent $65 and they gave me $15 back but since I was trying to get in and get out because I had already waisted a significant amount of time and had to wake up in less than 5 hours for work I quickly got my change and left. I didn't realize I had been shorted until I woke up the next morning. Because I worked late when I did come back into the store and confronted the employees they said no we gave you your change and refused to look at the camera. However I also added some money on to my prepaid card which I do on occasion and had done the night before. The money never appeared on my card so I asked to speak with management and conveniently no manager was available. They told me to come back anytime the next day and a manager would be available yet my money was gone significant time wasted they treated me like trash asked me to leave and it was not their problem as of yet I still haven't spoken to any kind of manager. Oh and I did contact my prepaid company to see if there was any kind of technical issue on their end and they have reassured me everything is in good working order. It's very unfortunate but this was definitely the straw that broke the camels back.

  • Marcus Anzelone

    Marcus Anzelone


    Customer service has improved since they first opened. In the beginning there was a gentlemen there, that was extremely unprofessional, and borderline criminal in the language he directed towards certain segments of the population. The staff now is very efficient, friendly, and helpful. Came in around 4pm on Sat. July 1st. Horrible service, just plain rude, out of product, staff not familiar with menu, advertising on front door and all over Store that isn't available. Unacceptable.

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