Red Eye Cafe w Montclair

Stany ZjednoczoneRed Eye Cafe



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94, Walnut Street, 07042, Montclair, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-509-3663
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Latitude: 40.8171478, Longitude: -74.2108105

komentarze 5

  • Bunny Rivera

    Bunny Rivera


    I'm not sure how I've survived 31 years without ever trying candied bacon until now. It was absolutely worth the 30 minute wait! I had hot chocolate while we waited (10 stars for the hot cocoa!). I had the huevos rancheros and a side of candied bacon. Both were phenomenal. I'm already planning my next visit to NJ to get more.

  • Alina M.

    Alina M.


    Pretty cute, hipster brunch spot. The wait wasn't bad at all on a Sunday afternoon (about 10 minutes) despite it being pretty small and crowded. Their drip coffee is decent but I wasn't a fan of the meal that I got; Green Eggs and Ham. It was incredibly bland, in my opinion, and even adding mounds of hot sauce and ketchup did not help at all. The combination of ingredients in the eggs definitely has potential (I got it because it sounded really good) but they definitely need to experiment with adding more flavor.

  • Mary Milici

    Mary Milici


    What a quaint find! Small coffee cafe that also has a delicious brunch/lunch menu. Very relaxing environment conducive for conversation,reading,studying..etc. Staff is friendly. A definite go to coffee spot! Highly recommend checking it out!

  • en

    The Phoenix Lives


    Food was delicious. Staff was very friendly. They have a full coffee bar & you can get what you want while you wait so that was good. On top of that you can bring your own drinks & save money that way. I will definitely go back

  • Ben Geffken

    Ben Geffken


    Red Eye is very focused on quality savory dishes and a quality cup of coffee. Located in a trendy section on Walnut Street, it isn’t the easiest restaurant to spot with the cafe’s name on a dark awning. There is no parking lot, and parking can be difficult depending on the time of day. The cafe is very clean with lots of dark wood and white subway tile. The tables are individual and relatively comfortable despite the restaurant being crowded. In the morning, especially on the weekend there may be a 15-30 minute wait for brunch. When it’s nice out, there is a quaint alley way with tables, but it can be difficult to get prompt service outside. The staff is very friendly and is knowledgeable about the menu items, or are willing to find out the answers if you have questions. For brunch, we had the Chipotle Cheese Sandwich and the Waffle Sandwich. The waffle sandwich with bacon and egg accompanied by fresh fruit was good, but the spicy maple dipping sauce made it very good I did not try the Cheese Sandwich, but was told it was tasty. Our pour over coffee was very good, though not the best and probably wouldn’t stop in just for it. In total, brunch came to $40 for 2 including tip. As with most trendy cafes, it’s considerably pricier than most diners and other breakfast spots. The uniqueness and quality can justify the cost, though there are other cafes I would make a regular visit to before coming back.

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