Ray Catena Lexus w Larchmont

Stany ZjednoczoneRay Catena Lexus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1435, Boston Post Road, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-833-5000
strona internetowej: www.raycatenalexus.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.932536, Longitude: -73.748817

komentarze 5

  • Zhenia Stadnik

    Zhenia Stadnik


    Last week, my husband and I purchased a certified pre-owned hybrid Lexus with the guidance of Steve Manin and Robert Mosca. Steve helped us to find exactly the model we were looking for and had it delivered on time as he promised. Steve, Robert as well as other colleagues of theirs were very helpful, patient, answered numerous questions we had, and helped us to navigate the financing process. They addressed all the issues we had (mostly cosmetic since it was a used car) and were a pleasure to talk to and to work with. They went an extra mile to make sure we were happy with our car. Steve and Robert, thank you! A hearty recommendation from both of us!

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    Denise Brown-McZinc


    Thanks to Steve Richman for making my 2nd lease experience extremely pleasant. Your efficient, fair and sincere approach is very appreciative. I am a vey happy customer!

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    Anthony DeFranco


    Rafael Llamas has been an excellent service advisor to me over the years. I have always received outstanding customer service and I’m very appreciative. Rafael provides me with full comfort that my vehicle is being handled with care. Lexus is fortunate to have Rafael as part of the family.

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    Come in all the time, service department is great. They always treat me like royalty! Scott is my service advisor and he is one of a kind!

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    Berit Schumacher


    It has been my privilege to have Anna Teniuch as my Lexus service advisor for more than 20 years. During this time I have always felt that Anna is both professional and courteous in her interaction with myself and my husband. My vehicle has always been serviced completely to my satisfaction! I believe that Anna is a very special person who Lexus should be proud to have on their service team! I could not be more appreciative in having Anna as my personal service advisor.

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