Larchmont Mitsubishi w Larchmont

Stany ZjednoczoneLarchmont Mitsubishi



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2020, Boston Post Rd, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-315-1550
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9316843, Longitude: -73.7499439

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bejo Philip Benny


    I been going to this place for last 3years. And I recommend my friend's also. They are being horrible now. I was hearing some kind of sound from my front of my car. So I ask them to check it out. They recommended me today change tire rod. After I changed thst, I still had that sound. So I went back to them, they want me to change stabilizer, and something else. They ask me to come on Tuesday, so they can order parts. I reach out to the service advisor to make sure they got the parts. The service advisor didn't order the parts and he doesn't know what parts he need to order. These guys are the worst now.

  • en

    Christopher Ribeiro


    I recently bought a Mitsubishi Outlander and the deal that I got was fantastic! Peter, the manager treated me very well and didn't give me those hidden fees that you would expect form bs sellers. He did the opposite, I wanted some extras on the car and he gave me discounts. He was very straight forward and honest and did the best he could to get me the best loan. I am very happy with my new Mitsubishi car! Thank you Mitsubishi Larchmont, thank you Peter. It was the best car experience I ever had!

  • en

    Kenrick Brown


    Had a wonderful experience at Larchmont Mitsubishi. I dealt with Kevin and Peter. They were excellent and very accommodating. I purchased a new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross and am extremely happy with my purchase.

  • en

    Lynn Schmitt


    I cannot say enough about this dealership. From my first contact with them right until we picked up our new car they have been fantastic. Everything that they said was accurate, and it was a wonderful experience buying a car from them. We live on Long Island and went to Larchmont to purchase a car. Best thing we ever did.

  • en

    Renwicka Georges


    The dealership was great kind patient and very experience. I enjoyed everyone that worked there. A special thanks to Kevin. Great place will recommend to my friends.

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