Rani Ayurvedic Spa & Salon i Westbury

Forenede StaterRani Ayurvedic Spa & Salon



🕗 åbningstider

473, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-333-3783
internet side: ranispa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.746819, Longitude: -73.596064

kommentar 5

  • Nirmala Bhattacharya

    Nirmala Bhattacharya


    I was very disappointed that the gift certificate that I had purchased in 2016 had expired, Dr. Rani would not honor the certificate for a facial that my daughter and I got done. She said she would replace it to be used at a future date instead. Poor customer service.

  • Janelle Singh

    Janelle Singh


  • Anita .GParyani

    Anita .GParyani


    Hands up to Sarita best threader all around! Love her! She is kind and smart and does her job well! Zach is great too! He is a massage therapist there overall wonderful salon and my weekly go to !

  • Miloni Thakker

    Miloni Thakker


    The prices are expensive for the service provided

  • Melissa M

    Melissa M


    This place is definitely not the place for any service, very cheap looking, and smells like mildew, and services are worst ever experienced, waste of money. Rude workers as well. Don't fall for their cheaper prices u will regret it and be very disappointed.

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