Golden Nail Spa Inc i Carle Place

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560, Westbury Avenue, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-338-2666
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Latitude: 40.7514708, Longitude: -73.6033316

kommentar 4

  • en

    Lisette Dapena


    Christina Tracy has no idea what she is talking about. Everyone is polite, honest, professional. I have my nails, my pedicure, my facial and my eyebrows done at Golden Nails and NEVER had or have a problem. Always a great job in everything

  • en

    Mengdi Ni


    nice service and great attitude

  • en

    cristina tracy


    I went to golden nail to get my eyebrows done just for a quick clean up. After I left the place I realized that my eyebrows were uneven and very thin when I told them to keep them thick. In the past when I got tips put on they were also very uneven and poorly done. The people also talk in mostly Chinese and and had a hard time understanding me.

  • ReGGie格子



    Great place! Went there million times, every time I got surprised. They are soooo flexible with your ideas and requires. They would do their best to satisfy your needs. Recommend Vivian and Wendy. They are the best!! Their spa manicure and SNS are the best! Go there ASAP!

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