Quest Diagnostics Totowa PSC w Totowa

Stany ZjednoczoneQuest Diagnostics Totowa PSC



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500, Union Boulevard, 07512, Totowa, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-389-0945
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9010499, Longitude: -74.216089

komentarze 5

  • Amit Mittal

    Amit Mittal


    The staff here is very rude. I would suggest go to some other laboratory nearby, but not this one.

  • Erika Sutton

    Erika Sutton


    I see that there’s not so good reviews on this place, but I’ve been there with my son twice for blood testing and both times We’ve had a great experience with Madelyn. She was very gentle with my son ( who was 1yo the first time and is 2 now). Madelyn , if you read this, I really appreciate you and your service! I’ll look for you next time.

  • en

    Gomattie Singh


    The staff need to have no idea what they are doing. I had two different people to do simple bloodwork test and it took one hour smh.

  • Noel Cruz

    Noel Cruz


    The lady that greeted my wife had a very nasty attitude from the moment my wife said hi. It's a shame people like her are able to work with the public. Save the trip and go elsewhere.

  • steelethescene



    Punitive as hell. I am a professional sent for urine test for drugs, as my employer's funding source requires drug testing of all workers. I didn't produce enough urine so i had to drink and drink and here i sit in the hope i will pee enough soon. And u can't save the urine u make -- u have to do it over. The only saving grace is that she didn't come in with me, but u have to leave your jacket and bag (in a locked box.) Can't flush or wash up afterwards. Treated me like i was an inmate or addict (not that they should be mistreated either. Nobody should be mistreated.) I am glad that it's not a blood test after the horror stories in other comments as i got the same female mentioned, it seems, and i don't do well with blood tests, i am squeamish with a low pain tolerance. No one greets u, u have to sign in on an iPad. Not good for elders who might not know how to use the technology. Also i have 2 addresses on file and she was acting like that was a huge imposition. My drivers license has yet another address but she didn't say anything about that. I hope it doesn't haunt me later.

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