Atlas Chiropractic Center w Woodland Park

Stany ZjednoczoneAtlas Chiropractic Center



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999 McBride Avenue, Suite B-209, Woodland Park, NJ 07424, США
kontakt telefon: +1 973-237-1640
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.89287, Longitude: -74.20639

komentarze 5

  • en

    Andres Tapia


    I'm very happy with the service and attention here, from scheduling availability and attention from Dr Nepa. The staff is helpful with insurance and they really make it hassle free. They make it enjoyable always with a smile and respect. I take a ride to this office because its worth it !! Pros about the location plenty of parking !! Thank you Atlas Chiropractic Center for helping me!

  • en



    I have been seeing Dr. Nepa off and on for seven years. I started going because of headaches and he has helped me with any back issues over the years! I live in the city now and when I have any issues he is the first person I run to. And Rosa is so friendly and accommodating when I need to be squeezed in. 😀 The best!

  • Lisa D'Alessandro

    Lisa D'Alessandro


    Dr. "O" is wonderful and a fabulous Chiropractor. He takes the time to find out what is ailing you, and then proceeds to make you better. I highly recommend your telling all your friends and family to make one visit to Dr. won't be your last. Thank you, Dr. O and are both wonderful and I feel GREAT!!!! I can't live a healthy life without you.

  • Paul Margitich

    Paul Margitich


    Not only is Dr. Nepa a superlative Chiropractor he is also a superlative human being. He helped me and has continued to help me with the issue he treats me for with a great measure of success. When you think about it going to a Chiropractor is smart. You are giving the body a chance to heal itself. No drugs. Very cool!!!! By the way it was the Atlas Orthogonal approach that helped me. I think he is one of the few in New Jersey who knows this technique. My wife has also been a very sick person these past few years. He never fails to ask how is she doing. What else do you need to know?

  • en

    Janet Sammarco


    I have been Dr. Nepa's patient for many years. I have a chronic issue that has been treated in such a way as to maintain flexibility. I have also been treated for various other issues that come up such as sciatic pain or carpal tunnel type issues in my hands. I always feel better upon leaving the office and know that I don't need to take medications to mask the discomfort. Rosa is a great asset to the practice, as well. It is a comfortable, friendly environment there. I highly recommend Atlas as your best source for Chiropractic treatment!

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