Q Nails en Azle

Estados UnidosQ Nails



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913, Boyd Road, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-270-4644
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9095762, Longitude: -97.5444209

comentarios 5

  • en

    Patricia Lindsey


    By far the worst my nails have ever looked. I came here many many years ago and had a horrible experience but I was hoping that things had changed. Well I was wrong. My nails are crooked and scratched while in the salon. I would have said something but the guy running the place seemed to be ok with talking poorly about people behind their backs and I didn’t want to deal with the drama. So after spending almost $100 I now get to go spend even more just to get my nails redone. And the pedi was just half hearted. They barley scrub your feet and just seem to rush everything they do. So save yourself some time and money and find a different place to go.

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    They use fingernail polish that is so "watered" down that, even after 30 minutes under the light, it won't dry. They blame the cold weather.

  • Alissa Ferraro

    Alissa Ferraro


    Absolutely fantastic. Best nail salon I have been to so far. I've been trying to find a decent once. I'll be going back for sure




    I have followed Adam (the owner) around for 9 years now. I will never go to anyone else! He's amazing and most definitely is the best in the industry.

  • en

    Deidra Woodhouse


    worst service I have ever had!!! i went in just to get gel nails I picked a color and they painted my nails another color when I brought it up to the girl a guy told me it would look like that color after a few coats so I waited and it looked NOTHING like the color I picked out!!! On top of that they buffed my nails and sanded them and did not have me wash my hands so when they half assed painted my nails it had clumps in them, they didnt even make my nails look good at all. My two year old could have done a better job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then the way they treat you like you are trash!! Will never go back there! I wouldn't even give it one star but I had to, to be able to write this post!

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