Athena Nails en Azle

Estados UnidosAthena Nails



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828, Boyd Road, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-270-4608
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9078711, Longitude: -97.5429964

comentarios 5

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    E C Helbing


    Great toe job always😊😊😊 kudos.

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    Jennifer Buckley


    Very friendly and professional. Did a wonderful job. Great atmosphere.

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    Taylor Ramputi


    Terrible terrible terrible. I will be back tomorrow and let them take and keep the Nails they did and demand a refund.Looks like a child did them.They charged 25 dollars to paint my 5 year olds nails and toes.My nails underneath are showing on every finger bc she didn't size them right.Then when I asked for a rhinestone she put two Crosses on my fingers?There is chunks of glue all Over the nail decor.What a terrible experience.Took five hours for a mani and pedi.DO NOT WASTE your money here like me!!!My sister also went and is re painting her nails now because hers look just as bad.

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    Lee Burdock


    These girls do exceptional work. They are friendly and it makes you smile just to be with them. You will be pleased with your visit.

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    amie jackson


    Worst experience Ever! The lady that did my nails was supposed to be the owner- but she did the worst job I have ever had done in my entire life a child could do better - she told me she couldn’t do solor??? But why? I asked her she didn’t have a answer. She shaped my nails the same as hers Needless to say I won’t be back ! 1 week later all my nails are off !

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