Project One Auto i Carlstadt

Forenede StaterProject One Auto



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456, Washington Avenue, 07072, Carlstadt, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-635-1400
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8217577, Longitude: -74.0619673

kommentar 5

  • Carlos A

    Carlos A


    Great place to buy a car. Everyone is really helpful and there are amazing cars for you to choose. Definitely recommended.

  • Alfred Egenhofer

    Alfred Egenhofer


    Good price on a good car. Fair sales staff. No haggling necessary. Will likely return when I want to replace the car I purchased last weekend.

  • en

    Mariam Bayoumy


    Awesome experience! The staff is amazing, respectful, patient, and very helpful. They will go the extra mile for their customers! Thanks to Alvin and John and the rest of the wonderful staff for making this such a great experience! If you're looking for a nice car and you value your time and money, Project One Auto will be your go to dealership! Great staff, great pricing, and a lot of awesome cars to choose from! Don't hesitate!

  • Sarah Paliz

    Sarah Paliz


    After weeks of going to dealerships and getting high monthly price quotes and trying to get forced into a lease...I was recommended to Project One Auto. John the manager was great and was able to get me into a 2016 Chevy Cruze. I was able to trade in my old car with money owed and still be at a reasonable monthly payment. I went in and was approved in 30 minutes. I am extremely happy with my new car. I would recommend Project One Auto to anyone! Thank You!

  • Robert Kotch

    Robert Kotch


    Great Experience. I bought a no frills 2017 Hyundai Accent 7,400 miles in record time at 2/3 the market price. I spend more time looking for ripe peaches in the grocery store than buying this car. I spent 20 minutes at Project One and rolled out with a great deal and a good car. When you get there, you appreciate the low overhead ethos that goes right back into lower prices for their cars. Great deal. Great experience. Best of luck to them.

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