DNA Auto Wholesale LLC i Moonachie

Forenede StaterDNA Auto Wholesale LLC



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70, Commercial Avenue, 07074, Moonachie, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-983-3452
internet side: dnaautowholesale.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.833485, Longitude: -74.060956

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christopher Lloyd


    Had an amazing experience at DNA Auto Wholesale the whole process was quick they stuck by their word and gave me exactly what they offered. We went to the bank same day and did the deal. Would definitely use them again.

  • en

    Nathan Martin


    Excellent communication throughout the transaction. Very professional. Immediate payment and a fair offer, no lowball attempts at all. Highly recommended.

  • Lorraine Martin

    Lorraine Martin


    David was a pleasure to deal with. No hassling, gave me what I wanted for my vehicle. Made deal over the phone, came with cash the next day! Great experience! Will definitely recommend and use again!

  • en

    Kurt Justice


    Adam is awesome to work with. Contacted me and wrote a certified check the same day. The entire process was simple and hassle-free. If you’re looking to sale your Porsche 911 or any high end car or truck, I strongly recommend using DNA Auto Wholesale.

  • en

    Lewis Barbanel


    Amazing guys. They did everything as promised. They came on time. Inspected the car. No last minute negotiations. They gave me a bank check. I will use them again when looking for a hobby car.

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