Pricks Tattoo i El Paso

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6030, Dyer Street, 79904, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-433-4746
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Latitude: 31.8329082, Longitude: -106.4449355

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Hernandez

    Sarah Hernandez


    Absolutely in love with my tattoo!!! Alex did such an amazing job!!!

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    alan de la rosa


    Anthony did an amazing job at this shop. 100% satisfied with his work.

  • Julie Hernandez

    Julie Hernandez


    Anthony Rose🌹 is the best y'all don't be getting ugly tattoos by someone else!! This guys gets down and is an amazing artist!!!!!👌😊

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    Jorge Esponda


    I was Recommended JR as the artist for my tattoo, showed the picture of what i wanted, payed in full, never finish my tattoo, i made 4 appointments every time he had an appointment on my appoinment cause he forgot, still havent finish my tattoo

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    Kathryn Ahlers


    My husband got a tattoo here from Chris and it is an amazing tattoo so I thought I would get one from him as well. We went in, told him my idea and he told me to text him pictures of what I wanted done. I did that and gave him time to draw it up. One month goes by and I had received no text from him, so I politely asked him how it was coming along and his response was "I'm busy I'll text you later" one week goes by and still nothing. I repeated the process and asked him how it was coming along and no response. So needless to say, I will take my business elsewhere. Obviously he is to busy to care about my business. I am severely disappointed as I was so excited to get something done by him. Horrible customer service.

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