Western Truck Sales i El Paso

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6000, Dyer Street, 79904, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-566-2975
internet side: www.westerntrucksales.net
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Latitude: 31.8323307, Longitude: -106.4449122

kommentar 5

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    A GZ


    The staff is sweet when buying a car. Once you have the car damn, you are treated so rude. It appears both ladies in the office suffer from some sort of bipolar disorder. You just can't reason with them. The car has been to the shop three times since I bought the car. Just a ridiculous experience. Stay away. There's a reason cars are cheap and they accept nearly any offer they get.

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    Queen Dymond


    Worst customer service Overpriced on vehicles Bogus cars that will break down fast af Don’t go here!

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    Tony Hill


    If you need a car the best place to go is Western Truck Sale

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    Veronica Ortega


    Every day I Thank God that the bus stopped in front of this business and I was able to meet these wonderful people. They gave me a chance to buy a vehicle from there with a low down payment and even in two payments. The first car I bought was paid off in a year, then I traded it in for a SUV because I needed a bigger vehicle. If you go by the contract that you sign you will not have problems. They go out of their way to help you out if they can as long as you communicate and not ask for anything that is unreasonable; they even found me a lower price on my auto insurance. I took a chance and got a second vehicle. I thought I could afford both payments but it didn’t work out. I couldn’t afford it anymore so I talked to them and asked them if I could return it but not affect my credit. They did help me, it shows in the credit bureau as a paid account because they bought it back from me for the balance.

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    Roxanne Coletti


    DON'T BUY FROM HERE!!! Husband bought an SUV here and not even a month later it broke down. We called and told them and they said they'd fix it and wouldn't charge us, then after it was fixed they said we'd have to pay over $400. When we purchased the vehicle they were made aware we'd be pcsing in a few months and said it was fine they'd just need our new address. After moving the anti freeze line busted and we were having transmission problems and we were done putting money into this vehicle. My husband called and said to get the vehicle because it kept breaking down and they refused. They said he would be charged a felony for hindering because it was taken out of state(which they said was ok to do) and for destroying the vehicle (didn't destroy it). They continued to keep calling us threatening and harassing him to pay for the vehicle or he would be charged. Then they kept calling other family members and then told us we had to pay $300 and they'd send someone to pick it up. Save your money and go somewhere else! All they sell are lemons and they know exactly what they're doing. Very unprofessional and ripoffs, need to be shut down!

nærmeste Butik

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