Premere Auto Detail i Washington

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1030, 15th Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 202-644-9444
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.90347, Longitude: -77.034962

kommentar 5

  • Devon Merritt

    Devon Merritt


    Dave did a fantastic job on my minivan. It looks brand new! Outside he buffed all the scrapes and scratches out and inside he managed to remove all the pet fur andbike tire scuffs off the leather seats. It’s so clean!

  • en

    Bishop Sand


    Dave was enthusiastic and friendly. He did a great job getting dog hair out of my car and made it feel brand new. I like that he took his time and paid attention to every detail. I highly recommended this service/company to anyone who needs to revitalize their car.

  • Art Hahn

    Art Hahn


    Very professional service with impeccable standards. Truly a pleasure to do business with. I would recommend him to anyone that wants a truly satisfying experience.

  • Benjamin Lauer

    Benjamin Lauer


    Went by the location listed (at the time, 1700 block of M Street NW) but didn't even find a building - it's just a construction site, all fenced off. No entry permitted except for construction business. Clearly no auto-detailing business was located there, premier or otherwise!

  • T Mason

    T Mason


    My appointment started with the operator being 2 hrs late due to van issues. I could totally understand the delay especially since the operator kept me updated. Honestly my review isn't based on the courtesy or professionalism, but the quality of work. The $500+ package is a rip off. You can easily go to Canton Car Wash for a $200 detail and save money. After the work was completed my car still has swirl marks and scratches. Additionally, the nooks and crannies of the cup holders, dash, side windows--dirty. If you use this company do just the basic detail anything greater is a rip off.

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