Extreme Detail i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterExtreme Detail



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3100 14th Street Northwest, Parking lot level p2, Washington, DC 20010, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-902-6243
internet side: extremedetaildc.com
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Latitude: 38.929591, Longitude: -77.033194

kommentar 5

  • Ayrianne Parks

    Ayrianne Parks


    Extreme Detail did a full interior detail and a regular wash on our highlander. The staff was friendly and thorough, and the results were outstanding! Our car was spotless inside and out.

  • en

    E D


    I left work early and forewent another errand to come here for a car wash and they were closed because it had drizzled a little. What's the point of posting working hours if they aren't real? Additionally, in my experience if you have a bad experience with a place the first time, you will have many more. Edit: Added bonus of this place, if you give them a poor review someone will provide you with a seemingly derisive and barely comprehensible response, in which they also make up an imaginary email that was supposedly sent...

  • Piney Jae

    Piney Jae


    One of the worst services I have ever received in the last couple of years using detailing businesses for my car. I know it’s not easy getting a good detailing service that guarantees great service but this one was just awful. These guys had me paying a lot for a really shoddy job.
 I mean the work they did cleaning the carpets and the seats was just bad, thats the only way to put it. The compartments were just dirty and untouched. I really couldn’t tell whether they even cleaned my car or not. I don’t think they should even still be in business. What a waste of time with these guys. Definitely not using their services ever again.

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    Elgun Huseynov


    Leo is the best, he cleaned my Mustang and made it brand new. It was very dirty.

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    J H


    This is the first Google post I have ever made. I am normally an easy going person and give everyone the benefit of the doubt - things happen and such is life. That said, I am completely dissatisfied with Extreme Detail's shady business practice of using Yelp. I purchased the $130 for $260 Deal at Extreme Detail on Yelp and then followed the term instructions exactly. I called and made an appointment for the extreme detail package and notified the individual I talked to on the phone I had a Yelp voucher for the service. When I arrived to drop my car off I was informed I could not use the voucher for the extreme package (which retailed for only $250 for my compact car) because the service took 6 hours. This completely violates the terms the company outlines on Yelp that the voucher was redeemable for $260 worth of service. Needless to say I still honored the appointment I made, had to pay all cash for the service, and still left a generous tip for the work even though it took over 7 hours to finish. In the end I am out the $130 I paid for the Yelp voucher. This is a very shady business practice to not honor the simple terms the company outlines on their Yelp voucher. I will be sure the rest of the local military community is made aware and to look elsewhere for car detailing service. Extreme Detail, you have my contact information if you reconsider on making this right.

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