Pomonok Houses w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePomonok Houses


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

67-10, Parsons Boulevard, 11365, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-591-4800
strona internetowej: www.nyc.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7341247, Longitude: -73.8126003

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marco Acevedo


    Walked through a peaceful NYCHA development at night after snow

  • ricky sixstring

    ricky sixstring


    The grounds are disgusting. NYCHA does not care about this place. Litter all over this place breeds rats thugs and crime.

  • en

    Mauricio Morales


    i love you 💛💙💜💚❤

  • en

    Nicole Brown


    Very out dated just got new Windows. Takes a long time to come out and fix repairs, I myself have mice I made to many appointments for a plaster who came out but could not do anything to the holes because then I had to call someone else out to move cabinets where the holes and the mice coming from. No one came. Which cause me to just get cats to keep out the mice then they scream about rent no I got to feed the pets first. Then they over charge for these apartments which I'm over crowed but they don't have bigger apartments available one person live in a three bedroom they keep their kids on lease so they don't have to move. Don't come to these projects maintenance suck they don't even keep up with the grounds to make it nice a pretty grass not well maintain don't come.

  • Blix Dunn

    Blix Dunn


    The icon location is wrong. From 164th street to Parsons Blvd is Electchester and from Parsons Blvd to Kissena Blvd is Pomonok. Lived in this area for 30 years and its not improving. Seems to get worse each year. Too much drug activity not to mention the people here have no respect, They will key your car because they are jealous, people can't park and car theft still happen even with a police station in the area.

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