Queens City Clerk w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneQueens City Clerk



🕗 godziny otwarcia

12055, Queens Boulevard, 11424, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-286-2847
strona internetowej: www.cityclerk.nyc.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7137004, Longitude: -73.8281571

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joe Anonymous


    I’ve been trying to call three different numbers for the past half hour and no one cares to answer a phone in that office. I absolutely hate the poor work ethic and laziness of nyc employees. They can’t be bothered apparently. Disgusting

  • en

    Alex W


    Avoid this place if you can, if you have to, be prepared to deal with rude staffs and racists. Everyone in marriage bureau is in a bad mood and does not smile. There was a black female supervisor yelling at customers with bad attitude and threatening an Asian customer to be taken out of office by security just because the customer spent a minute on surname change questions and need clarification. Marriage bureau is supposed to be a place with happiness and smiles, many staffs there especially that supervisor are not qualified for this work apparently. What a shame!

  • en

    Johnny Shubert


    The worse place ever! Nothing but racist people working there! The female security gaurd that hands out the marrige license applications screwd up my application because I was white. First she starts telling me if Trump can get married, anyone can get married because Trump is the worst thing ever. At this point I could care less about her political opinions, Im here to get my marrige license. Then she gives me application stamped A001 but on the board they are already calling A003. When I told her she gave me a bum number she would not admit her mistake that was on purpose, and told me to go back to the end of the line and start the process over. Im going back soon and going to record everything live on fb

  • en

    Omar Morris


    I was skeptical about going to this particular office based on the reviews that I saw but I got the opposite reaction. My fiancé and I went there around 8:45am on a Wednesday and we were out in less than half hour. We filled the application online also. There was no long line, our seated waiting time was like 5 minutes. The security guards were extremely nice the clerk that dealt with us was welcoming and friendly. It was a great experience

  • Yuanmou Zhang

    Yuanmou Zhang


    I didn't know why google says this office open on Saturday. but they are NOT. They are very busy on normal workday too, so I suggest come on morning, or at least before 1 o'clock. if you come later, you have a chance to be refused to go inside. they have a strict cut off time 3:45. The worst thing is, even if you wait outside for 1 hour. they WON'T tell you that you can't come in today. They just let you wait till the door closed.

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