PNC Bank i Sayreville

Forenede StaterPNC Bank



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1933, Bordentown Avenue, 08859, Sayreville, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-525-5720
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.4515885, Longitude: -74.3135284

kommentar 5

  • Deena Urbanik

    Deena Urbanik


    My Boss uses this bank. I bring her deposits here for her. I also cash my paycheck here every week. They charge $10 to cash your check, ok fine. That doesn’t bother me as much as them telling me that I can’t use the drive through because I’m not a customer! I’ve been using the drive through for months and now they are telling me I can’t any longer because I’m not a customer?!!! I am paying them $40-$50 a month, for the past 3 years and I can’t use their drive through?!!! Then yesterday I had 2 checks to cash and I was told they can only cash one because I’m not a customer!!! Then they have the nerve to ask me when am I going to open an account there? Really?! Are you kidding me?!!! I WOULDN’T OPEN AN ACCOUNT HERE IF THEY PAID ME A MONTHLY FEE!!!! This is the worst bank ever!!!!! I will NEVER come here again and I will talk to my boss about changing banks, perhaps to the one right down the street!;)

  • darshan cb

    darshan cb


    The bank says it is open till 6pm on Thursday's. But it closes at 5 as every other weekday.

  • Aibek Aitkulov

    Aibek Aitkulov


    There's one lady she is rude,horrible service her name Elizabeth

  • en

    Haris Jamal


  • Sherif Moris

    Sherif Moris


    Fast service

nærmeste Bank

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