Amboy Bank i Sayreville

Forenede StaterAmboy Bank



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412, Washington Road, 08872, Sayreville, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-238-2811
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.460387, Longitude: -74.3412821

kommentar 4

  • Janice Richards

    Janice Richards


    Have been a client with Amboy Bank since it's opening and have NEVER had an issue with their service. I especially have had wonderful experiences with most of their employees at the Washington Road, Parlin location. But my favorites will always Donna Kukta (no longer at this location) and Teri (Branch Manager?). They have always went above and beyond what was necessary.

  • en

    Joseph DeMartino Jr.


    Hours could be longer but a good branch staff.

  • Mikee535



    They were always very helpful but I think they lost a good customer. When online banking came around few years back they charged 10.00 / month. When I approached them with my business account and I wanted free online billpay like they had at Sovereign Bank, now Santander, they said no can do. I said well I'm sorry I've been a customer for many years and I will have to close my account... they had no problem with that. I must have been a customer for 10-20 years and it's their loss I am very happy with Santander Bank.

  • Thomas F. Sitaca

    Thomas F. Sitaca


    Outstanding staff and banking service. Their staff members are very polite, helpful, and knowledgeable.

nærmeste Bank

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