Plaza Trendy Nails Inc w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczonePlaza Trendy Nails Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1065, Main Street, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-7880
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8100989, Longitude: -73.0765325

komentarze 5

  • Melanie DiSilvestre

    Melanie DiSilvestre


    I went to get a powder gel manicure and the woman who did my nails cut me, didn't apologize and was extremely rough to the point where my nails are still hurting and uncomfortable. There are plenty of other nail salons who do a better job, sorry won't be returning.

  • Tinamarie Giovanni

    Tinamarie Giovanni


    The WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!! No one speaks English in this place, I get my lashes done and to my horror, I look in the mirror and looked like a DRAG QUEEN!! Had to give a star just to give a rating...DON'T GO HERE EVER! These ppl r awful!!

  • en

    Heather Cavaliere


    They treat everyone like they are special here!

  • Ann Marie Stewart

    Ann Marie Stewart


    This is the absolute worst nail salon ever. I needed a new pink and white set. The nails started lifting the next day. I like dark pink, the lady was rude and said dark is ugly go with light. I had 2 people working on my nails because they were closing early. I needed my eyebrows done, looked like they weren't even touched. I went back to complain. They said this isn't retail. Then they wanted to call the cops because I was pissed after 2 days I need a whole new set. Don't waste your time coming here. Totally disgusted!

  • Beth Spierer

    Beth Spierer


    I decided to try a new nail salon since the girl I normally use was on vacation. This was the first and last time that I would visit this place. I tried to ask a question and after four attempts, I finally found someone who understood the English language. The woman who worked with me was very pushy, aggressive, and nasty. I am a strong little thing and she also bragged about her strength which is fine until you injure someone. I was there on Sunday and screamed "ow" when she "massaged" my foot and it is now Thursday and I am still in pain. If the pain persists, I will be contacting a physician & sending them the bill. The girl was so hyper and even stepped outside during my session (still not sure why.) The girl sitting next to me and I were discussing the matter and we could only assume that there were hidden cameras. I would definitely think twice before going here...unless you like pain and people who possess no professionalism whatsoever.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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