Maria's Style & File w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneMaria's Style & File



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967, Main Street, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-1168
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8075937, Longitude: -73.0735815

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Watson


    I have never experienced such a money hungry owner. She looks likea mess. Every time I went in there she charged a different price. I had my highlights done and they bleed all over my head. I gave them the Beni fit of the doubt and tried again. I explained to the owner what happened and even showed her the pictures I had. She said don’t worry I will give you some money off. So she sent me to someone else who not only made it much worse. The owner charged me $59 more saying it was a color correction. I refused to pay and walked out. I would never ever go back to that place even if they paid me.

  • en

    Kellie Wodraska


    Used it as a Groupon. Found an awesome hairdresser named Jen. Now I'm a regular customer

  • en



    Whenever I walk into there it's such a laid back atmosphere and ive always experienced really quick and great service. All the ladies there are really lovely and fun to chat with and it just feels genuine in there, which I find to be a very important quality to look for in establishments.

  • Jeanne Schuhmann

    Jeanne Schuhmann


    Love this establishment. The owner, Maria is always willing to squeeze you in, for a last minute appointment. The hair designers are, professional, courteous, personable and listen to your needs, at the same time , offering suggestions. They now have a nail technician, product and a welcoming atmosphere. The prices are moderate for all services and I always leave there with a smile on my face, thanks to Maryann who always exceeds my expectations!!

  • en

    Christine Fariello


    Always ready to fit in your appointment. Maria and her crew rock. Maryanne ,Linda and Jen are owesomr

najbliższy Salon piękności

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