Pizza Parma - Shadyside w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczonePizza Parma - Shadyside



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217, South Highland Avenue, 15206, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-441-6600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.458398, Longitude: -79.924797

komentarze 5

  • Alechilles



    I have been eating at Pizza Parma multiple times a week since I started working in Shady Side. My food is always ready at the time I ordered it for. The few times it wasn't they apologized profusely and I've even received extra food or free meals for waiting even though I didn't complain. The owner and employees are all very polite and friendly. You can get a lot of food for a reasonable price and they have a very large menu. Highly recommended!

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    Yolanda Aikins


    We stopped on our way to get ice cream and figured we would take a pizza home for later. I ordered the Parma Pie and thought it was a little pricey when he told me the total. It ended up being one of the best pizzas we’ve had. It had light sauce which I like and didn’t spare on the toppings. It was larger than I thought and heavier. Definitely worth the extra money. All the guys working were fun to be around and gave great customer service.

  • David Kerr

    David Kerr


    One of the best pizza shops around. My office is in walking distance. Been to Pizza Parma a dozen times in the past year. Always had a great experience. Super friendly staff.

  • Brandon Baumbeck

    Brandon Baumbeck


    If u like pizza where u can actually taste the sauce, this place is not for u. The last 3 times I ordered from Parma, there was so little sauce on there it was practically non existent. The cheese is good, toppings are good, but come on man where’s the sauce? U people should actually taste test the pizza your making and you’d realize it’s nothing but cheesy bread with toppings on it.

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    Amber Dollman


    Highly satisfied with my delivery of two specialty pizzas. Very fresh and bountiful ingredients. I adjusted both pizzas adding or taking off something and they still nailed it. It did take an hour to get to me so plan ahead but completely worth it.

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