Pier 1 Imports i Huntington Station

Forenede StaterPier 1 Imports



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7, East Jericho Turnpike, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-424-9605
internet side: www.pier1.com
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Latitude: 40.8287344, Longitude: -73.4090506

kommentar 5

  • en

    jaswinder singh


    Pier 1 is a great store and they carry all the wonderful house hold stuff, You can decorate. They have beautiful show pieces and flowers. They also have beautiful furniture and swing sets, you can have it inside or outside. All the aisles are well stocked and easy to find.prices are very reasonable. Bought couple of show pieces and cashier happily gave me 10% discount. Store is easily to locate and right on Jericho turnpike Huntington. Lot of Parking is available . Staff is very nice and helpfull. Will shop again.

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    Linda Chan


    Not the best experience with staff, but I got what I needed.

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    Javier Evans


    Local Pier 1 Imports located on Jericho Turnpike in Huntington, NY. Great home furnishings, decorative pieces and holiday gift items

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    Sal Cavallarot bubby


    They are having awesome sales on candles right now !!

  • claude mathieu

    claude mathieu


    I really love pier1 imports. They always have the best selection of home decor products anyone can ask for. But i too have to be careful at which pier1 imports store you travel to because no one is the same nor do they all carry the same products. But of all the stores the one in Carle place.

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