Lauria's Repair i Huntington Station

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31, East 19th Street, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-549-8471
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Latitude: 40.8345094, Longitude: -73.4086879

kommentar 5

  • jacyrn Socee

    jacyrn Socee


  • en

    Karen Miller


    Sal is the best!

  • en

    Steve Honickman


    I have used Lauria's Repair many times over the years. He does great work and he is honest. I would recommend him to anyone!!!

  • Daniel Sapen Psychologist Ph.D.

    Daniel Sapen Psychologist Ph.D.


    Well, in answer to Kevin McCarthy above - Sal Lauria lives at this address. He leaves this house and comes to your house, where he does most of the repairs, quite well - which is a good thing, because most people don't want to transport a washer-dryer themselves. He has done honest and quality jobs on our stuff over the years, explains what he thinks we need to avoid future problems, and should be recommended.

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Kevin McCarthy


    This appears to be just a house. I Google searched for repairmen and this came up. I drove 15 minutes to this location only to find it's a house. There may be a repair services operating out of this location but I'm not interested in knocking on private homes to inquire. I didn't want to put 5 Star or 0 star; This is just bad information. I'm starting to question Google's superiority in the Maps game.

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