Pier 1 Imports w Carle Place

Stany ZjednoczonePier 1 Imports



🕗 godziny otwarcia

216, Glen Cove Road, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 516-742-3657
strona internetowej: www.pier1.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.748863, Longitude: -73.6184309

komentarze 5

  • en

    aileen oconnell


    The women behind the counter (there were 3) didn’t greet me or even make eye contact. I was there to pick up pillows I had ordered online. Then the little gremlin who did help me told me that they did not have my complete order, though according to the bank I was charged for the complete order. Owing to the two for one half off nature of the purchase, they wanted to take a pillow away, make me reorder and return to this pit of apathy and disdain to pick up the pillows I was told were in stock in the first place. She became visibly annoyed as I explained how ridiculous that all sounded and kept repeating that if I didn’t do it her way I would pay full price for a pillow. I understood that and didn’t need it repeated three times. Neither did I need her to tell me,”If you would just be quiet” she would explain. Thanks, Greta, I got it. Why on earth they couldn’t just order the second pillow delivered to my house, as the error had been theirs, is beyond me. Customer service = nonexistent. If I could give half a star I would.

  • Punit Singh

    Punit Singh


    Nice collection.

  • en

    W Jae


    My wish store. I just like the look and feel of this store. Its expensive for me so the sales people ignore me. But I don't cares.everything is so pretty.

  • claude mathieu

    claude mathieu


    Best pier1 imports i have ever been to on long island. They have the best selection of merchandise and furniture. Really helpful staff and a beautifully decorated store.

  • Jerry George

    Jerry George


    Really cute store with a lot of novelty items and various little trinkets. For homeowners (or to gift one) this is the perfect place to get those not-so-expensive but pretty looking decorative pieces. The customers service here is great as well. Overall a good experience.

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