Bowery Lighting w Mineola

Stany ZjednoczoneBowery Lighting



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206, East Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-280-2854
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7538181, Longitude: -73.6279112

komentarze 4

  • en

    Green Light


    the company's manager George is doing fraud. totally unreliable unprofessional and unethical

  • en

    Simple Sahni


    Such an absolutely terrible place. My broker sent us here when we closed on the house and I picked out two chandeliers which were gorgeous. For 8 months, we never heard from anyone about our order and George never returned our calls. I went to the shop TWICE inquiring about the delay. It looks like they didn't have certain equipment for the LEDS we wanted so we said forget it and let's adjust the price. The engineer came to our house a few days before he installed the chandeliers to see what equipment he needed. The day he showed up he didn't bring a ladder and disappeared for 3 hours. My husband and I took a half day from work to get this done. They were there from 1 pm- midnight. It took them the entire day. On top of that, we set the pricing with George. When the engineer came over, they tagged on additional charges for the bulbs, etc. When we called George, he never picked up our call. Bottom line, I waited 8 months for garbage. He does a lot of business with my cousin and it's a shame that I have to write this review. I do not recommend. They are not business friendly people to work with. I had actually really liked George and was disappointed that he did not consider we waited 8 months to get chandeliers installed. Instead, he decided to go back and forth with us over $125. It's not the money, it's the principle. I hope this does not happen to anyone else.

  • Denia Zaman

    Denia Zaman


    Bowery lighting in westbury is horrible. their service is so unprofessional. I had to call several times to make sure I get the merchandise that I ordered. on top of that I had to go back several times to the store since the chain was mission for the chandelier. they NEVER pick up the phone !

  • en

    Janine Tomassetti


    I purchased lighting for my new home at Bowery Lighting over the past year. My first visit was a very enjoyable experience considering I did not know much about what I really wanted. The staff at Bowery were all extremely helpful and nice. They took their time reviewing the many options I had in addition to showing me many different fixtures. Considering I had to furnish my entire home in new lighting fixtures, they truly were a a pleasure to deal with. Each time my fixtures arrived timely and in tact. The quality of lighting is top rated and the prices are very fair. In addition to supplying me with all of the fixtures, beautiful fixtures at that, they also supplied me with the name of a wonderful electrician who was honest, trustworthy and extremely efficient and knowledgeable. To date, I still return to The Bowery for all of my lighting needs. I have also recommended Greg, and his staff, to many friends and family, whom also have had nothing but wonderful things to say!

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