PetSmart w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczonePetSmart



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3695, East Broadway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-917-1654
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.22375, Longitude: -110.91502

komentarze 5

  • Amanda Weber

    Amanda Weber


    Happy with their adoption events for cats and dogs. Wish they treated their small animals better. We offer the bulk of our pet supplies online, but we still need something often enough to be regulars at this store. Staff is pleasant and prices aren't bad.

  • Justin Tornatore

    Justin Tornatore


    The staff is usually helpful and plentiful. Selection of products is excellent, however would reconsider a recommendation of their live animals. I regularly purchase crickets from this location, sometimes they all day within a couple of days before being fed to my bearded dragon. Purchased the bearded dragon from this location also, very healthy and growing quickly. However, the other bearded dragon died within two weeks of purchase, a full refund was issued, and the staff seemed genuinely upset at the occurrence. A replacement was offered, but no others were available.

  • Crystal Firestone

    Crystal Firestone


    Very friendly staff! Helpful and cheerful always. Rated a little lower based on the selection of items. There are many items they don't carry, and it just feels like they carry the essentials, and above that they don't have a lot of new cutting edge products. Great if you need something, and you go in knowing what you need. Clean parking lot and carts.

  • en

    M. Hay


    Great place for anything pet related, and a pet friendly environment. They also sell live animals such as birds, fish, tortise, gerbils, guinea pigs and rats/mice. This is however about the smallest pet smart I've ever been in. Still a great store none the less it you can manage to walk out without buying A huge fish tank!

  • Andreina Pierro

    Andreina Pierro


    What a wonderful pet store! The two young ladies who assisted me were so kind and upbeat as well as knowledgeable. I just happened to be on this side of town and decided to stop in to this PetSmart, and I am so glad I did! They have a nice selection to choose from and the store just feels bright and colorful. Well done! :)

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