Periodontal & Implant Solutions: M. George Ayad DDS, Ph.D. w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczonePeriodontal & Implant Solutions: M. George Ayad DDS, Ph.D.



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62, Summit Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-343-2555
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Latitude: 40.886099, Longitude: -74.058182

komentarze 4

  • en

    Serafina Riccobono


    I have been dealing with dental issues for over 15 years now. I could hands down say that Dr. George Ayad is one of the best doctors I’ve seen. He’s very personable and gentle with any situation that arises. Never did I think I’d need a dental implant - none the less in the front of my smile. I had 2 teeth (on either side of my 2 front teeth) with caps over them because when my baby teeth fell, adult teeth didn’t grow in, they grew in like little pegs. So I had them covered. Years down the road I felt pain, my dentist told me I needed a root canal in both of those teeth. I had the root canals done (extremely painful) and a year after I started to have severe pain again in one of them. That’s when my dentist had no idea what was left to do so he sent me to Dr. Ayad for a 3D scan - which btw looks super cool. That’s where he was able to see that my tooth under the cap was fractured. He told me I would need an implant as well as a bone donor graph. He made me feel at ease and was very positive the entire time and made sure he explained every detail to me. I let him know I’m getting married next year and that this is a big deal for me. He told me not to worry because he is confident in the work he does and knows it will look amazing. Let me back track to my initial phone call when I spoke to Jennifer who was the kindest receptionist I’ve ever met. She spoke in a very calm manner and made sure I felt like I was being taken care of! Also - his direct assistant who’s in the room with him. Forgive me I forgot her name - I’m drawing a blank. She is the kindest human and always stays so calm and positive throughout the entire process. It’s not easy getting a tooth pulled and looking at your face swell up and gums looking horrible. But with Dr. Ayads team I felt like nothing could go wrong. And in fact nothing did go wrong. I had the tooth pulled in the first week of February and we’re now at the end of May and he just put in my temporary tooth. It looks so amazing, it looks better than it did before when I had my cap on. I’m truly amazed at his work and what he can produce and how well my gums bounced back. It looks like nothing happened! I highly recommend Dr. Ayad and his entire team if you should need any periodontist work!

  • Nancy Hill Chapman

    Nancy Hill Chapman


    Dr. Ayad and his staff are absolutely the best! I couldn't recommend him more highly. He is patient, thoughtful and very thorough. His staff is efficient, professional, helpful and nice. I have never once been kept waiting for more than 5 minutes. Dr. Ayad rescued me from a seriously bad jaw infection at another dentists hands and did my bone graph and implant with no pain at all. If you are looking for a periodontist then look no further. You will be in excellent hands.

  • en

    Anna Clark


    The staff was so helpful and made my experience so easy. I couldn't have asked for a better experience!

  • en

    Carley Wells


    The staff was so helpful and made my experience very easy. I couldn't of had a better experience!

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