Periodontal & Implant Solutions w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczonePeriodontal & Implant Solutions



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62, South Summit Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-343-2555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8861072, Longitude: -74.0581638

komentarze 1

  • en

    merrilee zigarelli


    I was referred to Dr. Ayad by my dentist for consultation on two molars that were unstable due to bone loss. From the moment I arrived at the office I was impressed with the professionalism that greeted me. Jennifer, the receptionist and scheduler made the registration process streamlined and fast, putting me at ease. When I met Dr. Ayad I was pleased with his knowledgeable evaluation of my situation, and also liked the fact that he reassured me that although we couldn't save these teeth, he would be able to replace them with implants. After my appointment he made a call to my dentist and discussed his plan at length, articulating the plan and confirming that my dentist was in agreement. I had the dual extraction and socket grafting done in November and I am happy to say Dr. Ayad recently placed the implant posts in the solidified grafted bone. Not one procedure has caused me any undue pain or difficult recovery. His confidence and easy style minimized the anxiety, discomfort and after effects that often accompany periodontal procedures. And his assistant was amazing with her high tech handheld Xray equipment and instant digital imaging. I could see exactly what was happening throughout the procedure on the screen above me. I am excited that in a few more weeks I will be getting my new molars, and can't thank Dr. Ayad and his team for their excellence.

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