Peak Physique Personal Training, Boot Camp, Boxing w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczonePeak Physique Personal Training, Boot Camp, Boxing



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233, New York 59, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-893-6529
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0996894, Longitude: -74.0217375

komentarze 5

  • en

    John D


    A fun gym with hi intensity workout classes. This place will make sweat bullets. The best feeling is taking that cold shower afterwords. You'll feel like a million bucks. The coaches are awesome and they are determined to help you reach and maximize your goals.

  • en

    Rochelle Allison


    I love peak physique! the trainers are incredible and they are all very Motivational and push you to reach your goal! They’re always there when you have any questions. Very supportive! I Never felt good working out until I started attending peak Physique! I am currently doing the 28 day Challenge and I lost 10lbs with in 2 weeks.

  • en

    nessa 923


    This is a real gym folks with real people and real results. No gimmicks. Trainers and Coaches are right by your side to keep you motivated and help you strive to be your best. Steve and Eva, the owners are always available and make every effort to be a part of your journey. Nutrition and training is on point. All you have to do is follow their lead. So happy to be a part of the Peak Freak Family. If you are looking for results, this is the place to be.

  • Mark Zaino

    Mark Zaino


    I have been a member with Peak physique for over 6 weeks now. Being part of their January February 6 week challenge I already lost 20 pounds. The nutrition and workout combination that they put together is really effective. The coaches and the owners all are amazing. The family friendly and Community aspect that they have built truly is amazing. After awhile you don't feel like a stranger going into the classes but you feel like you're part of a family. I highly recommend the peak physique family. The slogan speaks the truth, "NO EXCUSES!"

  • Tracy McMahon

    Tracy McMahon


    In January, I joined the 6 week transformation challenge at Peak Physique. I started with a realistic goal, which was to lose one pound each week. I am thrilled that I reached that goal, along with my body fat decreasing by over 3%. My only regret is that I did not take measurements, because it is clear that inches are melting away and I am much more toned than day 1 of the challenge. I am thrilled to have found the perfect gym, with the perfect coaches and support system. There is no doubt in my mind that I will continue to reach my goals at Peak!

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