Iron Fist Athletics w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneIron Fist Athletics



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149, Main Street, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-507-0766
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0922186, Longitude: -74.014596

komentarze 5

  • en

    Evan Greenberg


    Best gym and coaches around. Saro knows everything there is to know but more importantly knows how to apply it. When members need help building strength, fixing form or rehabbing / working with an injury, he knows the exact steps to help you reach your goal or accommodate your problems / movements until you can properly perform them. Aside from coaching, it is also the cleanest gym I have ever been to, and has the best community for people looking for a fun team to workout with.

  • en

    Cristina Guerra


    Love this box! Friendly members and very knowledable, NO BS coaches who have a great eye for correcting technique. They also have the cleanest bathrooms in Rockland, no joke... like I watched the floors being mopped and shower glass being cleaned on more than one occasion. Crossift class is one of my most looked forward to activities. Workouts are challanging but are for everyone no matter what the skill level because coaches modify movements as needed. You will learn and grow here...pushing yourself mentally and physically!! I have learned and accomplished things here that I didn't think my body could. I can't say enough good things about this gym... also, if you're looking for a gym community, check out IFA. We're friends in and out of the gym!

  • Nareeya Sullivan

    Nareeya Sullivan


    #1 box in Rockland. Whether you are living locally or just looking to join them for a drop-in, IFA is it! This place is super clean, has awesome coaches and programming. The best of all is the supportive community. Come in and give it a try!

  • en

    Megan Donnelly


    3 years ago I went in for a trial class at IFA after some persuasion from some friends, I couldnt be more thankful for them pushing me to give crossfit a try. After years of wasting money at the local chain gyms that I would sign up for and then never go to, IFA finally gave me what I was looking for. The coaches and the members are awesome, and offer the motivation I was lacking which has helped to hold me accountable and at this point made the gym a place I look forward to going to. My biggest fear about trying crossfit was that I would get hurt. The coaches at IFA focus on form and while I always feel pushed to improve, I have never felt pushed beyond my ability and I have never walked out of IFA hurt (sore but not hurt ). The coaches modify and scale workouts to meet the needs of all its members, who range in abilility, so that everyone can have a productive and safe workout. IFA has become a huge part of my life and has helped me to achieve so many personal goals both in and out of the gym. If your looking to improve your fitness routine, and appreciate good people and probably the cleanest gym in rockland, I strongly recomend coming in for a trial class :)

  • en

    Ines Spenjian


    The coaches at Iron Fist Athletics push you past your "I cant" mindset and believe in your accomplishments, progressions and success. Coaches care that you are using proper form during your workouts and lifts. Coaches are very knowledgeable and overall great people who go above and beyond for their members. Members treat each other like family, and are very supportive, motivating and encouraging. The facility is prestige and offers a lot of equipment. The workouts are programmed by Owner/Coach Saro, and they are known to give fast and great results and get your stronger. ANYONE is READY for Crossfit. Athletes start at their own athletic ability with modifications and eventually decrease the use of modifications and are able to do things using their body weight, or more weight. If there is something you cannot do, it is modified so that you are still hitting the same stimuli and getting in a great workout. If you are looking for change and a new hobby, IFA is the place for you. IFA offers free trial classes and no contracts.

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